Children & Youth Ministries

Helping Your Kids Get to Know God!

We love children and youth at Open Bible, and believe that they are never too young to learn that God loves them.


OBBC is a place where your children can enjoy themselves while learning the truth of Scripture and the love of God.

Open Bible Baptist Church Childrens Church playing tag

We offer Sunday School and Children’s Church for kids in kindergarten to 5th grade.

Our volunteers use games, crafts, and stories to help your kids learn about God and the Bible, and give each child the opportunity to hear the Gospel and accept Christ as their Savior.


We also have Sunday school and Bible study for teens in 6th to 12th grade. Each teen is taught how to dive deep into the Word of God and properly understand it. We want to help the next generation grow into mature believers and set them on a path towards success.

Nursery is available at every service from birth up to 4 years old. 

The safety of your children is a top priority for us. We run background checks on all staff, teachers, and volunteers who interact with kids and teens. We also ensure two adults are with your children at all times.

If you have any questions, please call the OBBC office or email

Want to Register your child for AWANA?


Nursery is for infants and toddlers from birth to four years of age. Available at every service.

Sunday School

Sunday School - 9:30 am on Sunday

Available for teens and children

Children’s Church

Children are dismissed from the Worship Service  for a special service designed for the children in grades K – 5

Kids & Family Nights

Throughout the year we plan fun activities for kids and families. We want to engage children and families in activities that help parents be the primary disciplers of their children. Watch for dates!

Youth Ministries

Once a month we have special events and outings for our youth. We go on special field trips, serve our community, and have tons of fun! Check our Facebook page for any upcoming events.